Congratulations to Winner of the Alan Dawley Prize: Sociology Major Nicole Athan with her research paper “The Relationship between the United Nations, European Union, Italy, and “Mondo Donna”: Working with Women who are Victims of Sexual Exploitation.” Nicole conducted her research as part of a social justice study abroad program in Italy. Continue Reading
About the speaker: Dr. Shiva is an internationally renowned advocate for food justice and biodiverse agriculture. Trained in quantum physics, she became involved in environmental research and grassroots activism when she witnessed the environmental harm caused by monocropping and pesticide use in her home region at the base of the Himalayas. She founded and directs… Continue Reading
The Dawley Center is sponsoring a panel discussion held on April 12 from 11 am-12:30 pm at Education Building 212. Dr. Vandana Shiva will be responding to perspectives on ethics and innovation from the Department of Biology and the School of Business. Please contact Dr. Janet Gray ( with any questions. We encourage you to read diverse perspective… Continue Reading
Whitney Dow will be giving a presentation about his “Whiteness Project” on February 15th at 5 p.m. in Education 212. Dow is an award-winning documentary filmmaker whose current focus is on the Whiteness Project, a story-based interactive media and research project he is producing in collaboration with Columbia University’s Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE). The project,… Continue Reading