The Alan Dawley Center for the Study of Social Justice (ADCSSJ) is named for the eminent historian, Professor Alan Dawley, who was its founding director. The purpose of the ADCSSJ is to produce and disseminate knowledge about social injustice and its redress. It promotes the interdisciplinary study of any aspect of society where disparities of wealth, power, and privilege contradict ethical precepts. Through forums, symposiums, public lectures, film festivals, course work, campus-wide learning communities, community engagement, and other initiatives, the ADCSSJ strives to create an intellectual space dedicated to the study and practice of social justice for TCNJ and the surrounding community.
This spring semester our Phi Beta Kappa Chapter will be hosting a Visiting Scholar, Adam Winkler, Professor of Law at UCLA. He will be visiting TCNJ on Monday, April 11th and Tuesday, April 12th. His visit will be entirely virtual. His topic will be, “Are Corporations People?"