Social Justice Interdisciplinary Concentration
The interdisciplinary concentration in social justice is designed to enable students interested in the theory and practice of social change to satisfy their Liberal Learning requirements. It is particularly recommended for students in the Bonner Program, but is open to all TCNJ students. The social justice interdisciplinary concentration combines course work with community engaged learning experiences. Students opting for it must take a first year seminar with a CEL-1 component before choosing from a variety of courses in the humanities and social sciences. The capstone requirement for the social justice concentration is any CEL-2 approved course. Students may also satisfy the laboratory science and quantitative reasoning requirements with any approved courses. The total of eight courses is needed in order to fulfill the requirements of the social justice concentration.”
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ACEL Course List
The Alan Dawley Prize
The ADCSSJ awards a prize each academic year for the best scholarly or creative project by a TCNJ undergraduate in the past year that reflects the mission of the center to explore the nature of social justice issues and their redress.