Thursday, April 4th, there was held a series of events hosted by ADCSSJ with Patricia Hill Collins discussing intersectionality and social justice.
This event has passed! View the photos in the galley here!
You can also watch the lecture and student discussion here!
Panel discussion: “The Future of Intersectionality and Social Justice”
From 10:30-12 pm, in the Education Building room 212, followed by lunch. Featuring panelists Patricia Hill Collins, Lina Richardson (Urban Education), Shaun Wiley (Psychology), Zakiya Adair (African American Studies/Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), Mary Cannito-Coville (Criminology/African American Studies) with moderator Janet Gray (Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies). All students, staff and faculty were welcome.
Student Conversation with Patricia Hill Collins: “Toward a New Vision of Intersectionality and Activism”
From 2:00-4:00 pm, in the Education Building room 212, approximately 30 students were invited to attend the conversation on issues of intersectionality and social justice. These students read two essays by Collins from her book, On Intellectual Activism, “Toward a New Vision: Race, Class, and Gender as Categories of Analysis and Connection,” and ” Where Do We Go From Here?”, and articulated some questions based on their reading in preparation for the discussion.
Dawley Memorial Lecture: “Generational Power? Intersectionality, Youth and Political Activism”
From 5:00-7:00 pm, in Mayo Concert Hall, a lecture by Patricia Hill Collins where she brought “an intersectional analysis to bear on the question of how generational experiences articulate with political action”. The lecture was open to the public.